=== Booking Package === Contributors: masaakitanaka Donate link: https://saasproject.net/donate/ Tags: Booking, reservation, appointment, Booking calendar, 予約システム Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 6.6 Stable tag: 1.6.63 Requires PHP: 7.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Booking Package is the simplest solution for integrating an online appointment booking calendar system and event calendar into your WordPress website. == Description == **Booking Package** is the simplest way to facilitate room rentals, service bookings, event bookings, or any type of online booking on WordPress. The appointment booking system within the **Booking Package** management tool allows for direct handling within WordPress pages. By transitioning from manual paper registrations to digital appointment management on the server, you can effortlessly monitor booking availability. ## VIEW OUR PLUGIN DEMO PAGES: ### Booking Calendar System for Hairdressers, Clinics, etc. 1. [Booking Demo in English](https://booking-package.saasproject.net/demo-booking/) 2. [Booking Demo in Japanese (日本語版の予約システムのデモ)](https://booking-package.saasproject.net/ja/demo-booking/) 3. [Booking Demo in Japanese (日本語版のエステ・エアサロン向け予約システムのデモ)](https://booking-package.saasproject.net/ja/demo-booking-for-salon/) ### Booking Calendar System for Hotels 1. [Booking Demo in English](https://booking-package.saasproject.net/demo-booking-for-hotel/) 2. [Booking Demo in Japanese (日本語版のホテル用予約システムのデモ)](https://booking-package.saasproject.net/ja/demo-booking-for-hotel/) 3. [Booking Demo in Spanish (Demostración del calendario de reservas para español)](https://saasproject.net/demo-booking/?type=hotel&locale=es_ES) ### Easy and Intuitive Interface - Supports Various Booking Types Across Industries **Booking Package** makes it incredibly easy to set up, from system installation to creating a booking schedule. With its simple and intuitive interface, even beginners have no worries. It offers a rich set of features that cater to various booking types in different industries, such as school bookings, classroom bookings, massage bookings, event bookings, seminar bookings, facility bookings, conference room bookings, studio bookings, hospital appointments, dental appointments, briefing bookings, and more. ### Responsive Booking Interface The interface of the booking calendar is highly responsive, allowing clients to view it on commonly used browsers and devices. ### Seamless integration with your website **Booking Package** plugin ensures a seamless integration with your website, without the need for iframes or new windows during the booking process. Your customers can always stay on your website while making their bookings. ### Setting Booking Time in Hours or Minutes **Booking Package** allows for easy management of booking time. The time can be defined in hours or minutes, with the flexibility to set it at one-minute intervals for creating a versatile schedule. ### Online Payments By integrating PayPal and Stripe payment systems, customers can easily make payments during the booking process. ### User Account Functionality 1. Customers visiting the website can register as users through the Booking Package plugin, allowing them to skip entering personal information during the booking process. 2. Administrators can manage registered customers under Booking Package > Users in the dashboard. 3. Users with the "Subscriber" role in WordPress, in addition to Booking Package users, can also skip entering personal information during the booking process. ## Features of the Free Version booking System: 1. You can create a booking schedule on a day-by-day basis, considering weekdays. 2. You have the ability to create unlimited booking calendars. 3. Manage booking information. 4. Edit personal information of booking users. 5. By using the service feature, your customers can select their preferred services during the booking process. 6. The service feature allows unlimited registration of service names, durations, and costs. 7. You can operate the booking system simply by embedding a shortcode into fixed pages or posts. 8. Upon completion, modification, or cancellation of a booking, emails are sent to the customer and the administrator. 9. No advertisements are displayed. 10. If you choose to make bookings through phone calls or direct visits by customers, it can be easily done through the booking calendar on the dashboard. 11. You can accept an unlimited number of bookings from customers or through the dashboard. 12. In the booking system for customers, you can freely change the background color of the calendar and input forms. 13. It supports booking reception for accommodation facilities such as hotels. 14. You can manage the booking calendar for each type of hotel room. 15. Easily view customer information from the dashboard. 16. Added a download function for visitor booking information. 17. There is a feature to notify developers of JavaScript syntax errors in the Booking Package. 18. Visitors can now perform booking procedures within the widget. 19. You can set regular closing days. 20. You can specify a deadline time for each booking time slot. For example, if you set a deadline 30 minutes before the 15:00 schedule, the booking will end at 14:30. 21. Each input field that customers enter during the booking process can be freely added or edited within the dashboard. 22. You can use a feature to display the remaining capacity of booking dates as a string or symbol. 23. It is compatible with WordPress site networks. 24. You can delete all published booking schedules for all dates or dates from the current day onwards. 25. You can insert any page into the booking completion page. 26. You can set Google Analytics goals on the booking completion page. 27. In the booking calendar for hotels, you can set hotel rates for each day of the week. 28. In the booking calendar for hotels, you can set minimum and maximum stay durations. ## Extra features of the Premium version: 1. Ability to modify visitor's booking time and service details. 2. Online payment through Stripe, including support for "Apple Pay" and "Pay with Google". 3. Online payment through PayPal. 4. Fixed year and month for visitor's booking calendar. When enabled, visitors can only view the specified month and cannot navigate to other months. 5. Display of remaining capacity for each booking time slot. 6. User account functionality for visitors within our plugin. 7. Option to define a specific period and delete published booking schedules within that period. 8. Ability to add options to services, providing flexibility for visitors. 9. Cancellation of bookings by visitors or users. 10. Service availability can be specified within specific time frames. For example, a service may be available only on Mondays and Fridays from 09:00 to 12:00. 11. Selection of multiple services within a single booking. 12. Multiple booking calendars can share schedules from a single booking calendar. ## About the side menu of Booking Package in your Dashboard. ### What can I do with "Booked Customers"? * You can check and edit customers' bookings. * You can change the status of customers' bookings. * You can create bookings for customers. * You can download a CSV file. ### What can I do with "Users"? * You can check the user's booking history and modify the status. * You can update the user's email address and password. * You can add and remove users. ### What can I do with "Calendar Settings"? * Create a new booking calendar. * Add, edit, and delete appointment times for the created booking calendars. * Add and edit items for personal information entry in the created booking calendar. * Add and edit services to the created booking calendar. * Manage taxes and surcharges in the created booking calendar. * Set up rules for the created booking calendar. ### What can I do with "Calendar Settings"? * Create a new booking calendar. * Add, edit, and delete appointment times for the created booking calendars. * Add and edit items for personal information entry in the created booking calendar. * Add and edit services to the created booking calendar. * Manage taxes and surcharges in the created booking calendar. * Set up rules for the created booking calendar. ### What can I do with "General Settings"? * Set up the common rules for all booking calendars. * Set up PayPal and Stripe payment gateways. * Configure regular holidays and special holidays. * Customize the CSS for the front-end booking calendar. * Renew or cancel your subscription. ## Supported language * English * Danish * Spanish * Russian * Japanese (日本語) * Chinese (简化的字符预订系统) * Taiwan (繁體中文預訂系統) ## Supported currency * USD * EUR * GBP * AUD - Australian Dollar * BRL - Real brasileiro * CAD - Canadian Dollar * CHF - Swiss franc * COP - Colombian Peso * CZK - Koruna česká * DKK - Dansk krone * HUF - Magyar forint * HRK - Croatian Kuna * PHP - Philippine Peso * UAH - Ukraine Hryvnia * RUB - Российский рубль * THB - Thai Baht * JPY - 日本円 * TWD - 台湾元 * CNY - 人民币 * KRW - 한국 원 * AED - United Arab Emirates == Installation == = Installing the Booking package plugin is easy. Just follow these steps: = 1. From the dashboard of your site, navigate to Plugins –> Add New. 2. Select the Upload option and hit “Choose File.” 3. When the popup appears select the booking-package.zip file from your desktop. 4. Follow the on-screen instructions and wait as the upload completes. 5. When it’s finished, activate the plugin via the prompt. A message will show confirming activation was successful. = Requirements = - PHP 5.3 or newer, - MySQL version 5.0 or newer, == Frequently asked questions == = Privacy Notices = Please note, Booking Package plugin saving all booking details at your WordPress database at your server. Its does not transfer your booking details to our servers and does not store such info about booking details at our server(s). = How do I make a booking schedule? = Please select the calendar you want to add schedule from "Calendar Setting" page of Booking Package. Then click the "Edit schedule by day of the week" button in the "Schedule" tab of the management page. = How do i link booking schedules and services? = 1. Select the calendar you want to add services from the "Calendar Setting" page of the Booking Package. 2. Click the "Service" tab on the management page and click the "Add service" button. 3. Click "Setting" tab on the management page and set  up "Enable the service function" and "Service name". = How to set the Goals by the Google Analytics = Please go to the Admin page on [Google Analytics](https://analytics.google.com) then looking for the "Goals" section. 1. Select "Coustom" in the Goal setup. 2. Select "Event" of type in the Goal description. 3. Enter "booking-package" to the [Action] in the Goal details. 4. Enter tracking ID to the "Tracking ID for the Google analytics" on Booking Package > General Setting. = Is it possible to pay online = Online payment is only available in the Booking Pacakge plugin's [Standard Plan](https://saasproject.net/plans/). Also, available payment services are Stripe and PayPal. = Tech support = If you have some technical questions please post to the [support page](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/booking-package). == Screenshots == 1. Booking status calendar 2. Customer's booking list 3. Detailed information on booking of customers 4. booking page in the dashboard 5. The page for entering booking details in the dashboard 6. The calendar for setting a booking schedule. 7. The page for registering a booking schedule. 8. The page for editing a booking schedule already published. 9. Booking calendar that the visitor sees first. 10. The page where the visitor selects the service. 11. The page that the visitor chooses the time to make a booking. 12. A page for entering details of the visitor's personal information. 13. List of user accounts. 14. Edit user account. 15. Login on front page. 16. User account registration on front page. == Frequently Asked Questions == == Changelog == = 1.5.00 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.01 = * Fixed a bug. * Changed the specifications of iCalendar. = 1.5.02 = * Fixed a bug. * Added a new function of the "Data retention period of customer" in the General Setting. = 1.5.03 = * Fixed a bug related to booking cancel. = 1.5.04 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.05 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.06 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.07 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.08 = * Added a new function of the "Position of date and time" in the General Setting. = 1.5.09 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.10 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.11 = * Fixed a bug. * Fixed the XSS vulnerability. = 1.5.12 = * Added currency of Guatemalan Quetzal (GTQ). * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.13 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.14 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.15 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.16 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.17 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.18 = * Added currency of the Mexican Peso (MXN). = 1.5.19 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.20 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.21 = * Added currency of the Argentine Peso (ARS). = 1.5.22 = * Fixed a bug. * Added a new date format. = 1.5.23 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.24 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.25 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.26 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.27 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.28 = * Added a new block emails. * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.29 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.30 = * Fixed a bug. * Changed the iCal paths. = 1.5.31 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.32 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.33 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.34 = * Fixed a bug. * Added currency of the South African Rand (ZAR). = 1.5.35 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.36 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.37 = * Fixed a bug. * Added currency of the Turkish lira (TRY). = 1.5.38 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.39 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.40 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.41 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.42 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.43 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.44 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.45 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.46 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.47 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.48 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.49 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.50 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.51 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.5.52 = * Fixed 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displayed in the dashboard. = 1.6.01 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.02 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.03 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.04 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.05 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.06 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.07 = * Added a new item labeled "Updated" within the Notifications tab. = 1.6.08 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.09 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.10 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.11 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.12 = * Fixed a bug. * We have added the currency for India and Romania. * We have added a feature to bulk register time slots for multiple days. = 1.6.13 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.14 = * Fixed a bug. * We have added the currency for Singapore. = 1.6.15 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.16 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.17 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.18 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.19 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.20 = * Fixed a bug. * Resolved the issue related to updating user information. = 1.6.21 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.22 = * Fixed a bug. * Fixed a bug related to Customize Labels. = 1.6.23 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.24 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.25 = * Fixed a bug. 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the reservation account for accommodations. = 1.6.53 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.54 = * Fixed a bug. * We resolved an issue where guests and option values could not be changed when editing booked customers in the reservation account for accommodations. = 1.6.55 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.56 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.57 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.58 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.59 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.60 = * Fixed a bug. = 1.6.61 = * Fixed a bug. * We have changed the text editor for CSS and JavaScript from "CodeMirror" to "Monaco Editor." = 1.6.62 = * We resolved the issue related to customizing the button changes. = 1.6.63 = * Fixed a bug. * We have fixed the issue related to Daylight Saving. == Upgrade notice == -